UNDERSTANDING Cl. Mario D’Couto SDB Has there been a time when you were trying to solve a problem but unfortunately for some reason, you were not able to come to a solution. The fact of not being able to understand can be a real frustrating experience and it can even lead to boredom. But what is understanding? Understanding is the fruit of a series of a lot of effort put in order to arrive at a solution. Insights are part of understanding. With regard to how fast an insight would come, there is no guarantee. It could take minutes, hours, days, weeks, months or even years. But the point is that it comes at its own pace. We cannot force it to come but we can certainly provide those conditions which could facilitate those insights to develop. Hence, developing an insight or the emergence of an insight can be compared to the work of a farmer. A farmer can till the soil, plant the seed and so on. But, by and ...