Life as an ongoing journey of learning
Life as an ongoing journey of learning Mario D'Couto If there is anyone who at any point of time thought to himself or herself that there is nothing more to learn then I think that he or she has missed or rather not become aware of one of the major and crucial aspects of human life and that is the gift of learning. Yes, to learn is indeed a gift. Not many people in the world have the opportunity to experience it. Yet, learning is not something that is restricted to only books. It can happen at any moment and every moment. All we need is an open mind. There is a nice saying I came across some years back, which goes thus, "A person who is not able to change his or her opinions or is not able to learn new things is like a septic tank where water stagnates and mosquitoes breed. An open mind is like a dam where there is always fresh water flowing." The biggest room is the room for self - improvement. Learn from the mistakes of others....