
Showing posts from November, 2017

What's the future going to be? Humans or Robots?

WHAT’S THE FUTURE GOING TO BE? HUMANS OR ROBOTS? Mario D’Couto             In recent times, there has been a huge debate going around about the future of many industries, whether will humans still be in the work force or would it be taken over by artificial intelligence and is as much as we may want to pride ourselves about the fact that technology has made our lives simpler, comfortable and easy, we may still need to think otherwise.             In his book, “MESSY”, Tim Harford rephrases  a famous quote, “To err is human but to really foul things up takes a computer.” Technology was made to help humankind, not to supplant its thinking process. Besides, it was the human person who created technology and not the other way around.             From the most complicated data systems to the most mundane t...

Smile, joy, humour, laughter

SMILE, JOY, HUMOUR, LAUGHTER Mario D’Couto             Enthusiasm makes everything different. You can’t control the length of each day but you can control its impact by adding fun and enthusiasm. When you have enthusiasm for life, life has enthusiasm for you.             William Ward said, “Enthusiasm and persistence can make an average person superior; indifference and lethargy can make a superior person average.” Don’t postpone joy. Learn to laugh at yourself. A person with a great sense of humour may bore others but he rarely has a dull moment himself as Chuck Swindoll once said, “ Of all things God created, I am often most grateful He created laughter.”             Humour is to life what shock absorbers are to automobiles. Enthusiasm, like humour, is an inside job as Albert Einstein once said, “In my e...

The B.I.B.L.E. - Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth

The B.I.B.L.E – Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth Mario D’Couto             If I were to say that the Bible is the Word of God, it may sound like one of the old cliché statements of what the Bible is but the truth is that it is precisely what it is. The Bible, is a library in itself, a collection of books, written at different times, under different circumstances, by different people, for different reasons. Given this huge diversity, where do we turn to for an authentic understanding?             If we go to examine the Bible, we will find that it was written in different literary genres like poetry, historical narrations, songs, romance, didactic treatise, personal correspondence, memories, satire, biography, autobiography, law, prophecy, parable and allegory. Thus, given this wide range of variety, it is but obvious that the Bible addresses a wide range of t...

We serve eachother ........

     WE SERVE EACHOTHER …… Mario D’Couto             Being outside the priestly and religious life has been a very different experience for me (in a positive way) although there are times where I feel driven up the wall. But I guess that is part of life be it in whatever field one may find himself or herself in.             From the time I started working (it’s been a little more than 2 years) till now, the pressures of civilian life have been an eye – opener for me. Generally, in any profession, the average time that a person spends at work would be 5 to 6 days. Being in the work force as a normal civilian, I always wait for the days when I would be off duty.  The arrival of such days is like the ‘rain in dry land’ and yet once it is over and the time for work beckons, it is but natural to find oneself lethargic and struggling to get back to ...