How would you like your new year?
HOW WOULD YOU LIKE YOUR NEW YEAR? Mario D’Couto Finally, the new year has come and at the very outset, a happy and blessed year ahead to you. While the new year brings with it new opportunities and challenges, the 1 st of January is also the solemnity of Our Lady, Mother of God and while I know I may be one day late, nonetheless I thought this would be a good opportunity to share some thoughts on Our Lady as the Mother of God and how Her example can help us prepare for the year ahead. Protestants and non-Catholics sometimes can accuse Catholics (which I have personally experienced in my life) saying that all the Marian dogmas and the teachings on Our Lady add up to Mary worship which is clear idolatry, pure and simple some of whom have even compared Her with the Babylonian goddess Ishtar whose worship is described by prophet Jeremiah (Jeremiah 7:18; 44:55-...