Sin, punishment and redemption
SIN, PUNISHMENT AND REDEMPTION Mario D’Couto In the most traditional way, sin has always been defined as a turning away from God. But on a more broader level, sin is a choosing of a lesser good over a higher good. In one of my previous articles called the “The Phenomenon of Sin – A Lenten Reflection,” I made a note that scripture teaches that whatever God created was good. There was no flaw in His creation. Hence, if such is the case, the next question is why would there be evil? St. Augustine gives us an apt answer, “Evil is the absence of good.” Hence to illustrate this point concretely, when a person steals it is the act of stealing that is wrong. Perhaps the deeper question to ask in why would a person steal? In the most genuine of cases, let us assume that the person is broke and is hungry which is why he or she has stolen. However, the end does not justify the means. ...