In honour of the Archangels
IN HONOUR OF THE ARCHANGELS Mario D’Couto My original intention was to get this article published on the feast of the Archangels which is on 29 th September. However, due to other commitments, I was not able to do so. I have never written anything about the angels and I guess this is probably the first time I am writing about the angles and more specifically about the Archangels. But, who are the angels? An angel is God’s messenger. They are beings with no corporeality. They carry our petitions to God and bring them back to us favours and benedictions. St. Thomas writes that the angelic nature is a whole world of perfection in itself. And this at least we know, that angels are spiritual substances, incorruptible by nature, utterly separate from matter and entirely free from all those infirmities which encompass us on every side...