In honour of our Guardian Angels


Mario D’Couto

            This article is a follow up to the one about the Archangels. Each of us has a Guardian angel. The ministry of the Guardian Angels consist in the following,

Ø  In warding off dangers to body and soul
Ø  In preventing Satan’s suggesting evil thoughts and other occasions of sin and helping us to overcome temptation.
Ø  In enlightening and instructing us and fostering in us holy thoughts and pious desires.
Ø  In offering to God our prayers and in praying for us.
Ø  In correcting us if we sin.
Ø  In helping us in the agony of death, in strengthening and comforting us
Ø  In conducting our souls to heaven or to purgatory to console us there.

            Although they cannot penetrate the inner sanctuary of the human heart which God has reserved for Himself, they do all they can to help us. However, it is in our power by an act of our free will to expose our intimate thoughts to our angelic companion and it is to our advantage for such confidence in his enlightened guidance of great benefit to our soul. After God and our Blessed Mother, he is our best friend and if we really love him, we will have no secrets to hide from him.

            Even though we do not sensibly perceive him or hear no whisper or warnings in our ear or touch him or look at him with our eyes, he is there with us. From the moment we begin our lives, he guards us, and he will not have completed his task until as we trust, we shall gaze with him in glory of the Vision of God. All in all, our Guardian Angels see in us, souls of priceless value since we are redeemed by the Blood of God. 

            It is said that before our Guardian Angels, human beings are modest and respectful; yet their dignity is incomparably less than that of the lowest of the angels. Therefore, we should always conduct ourselves piously and modestly before our holy angel, refraining from every word, gesture or actions which could displease or grieve our heavenly friend and guide. This continued remembrance of the presence of our holy angel is also an excellent means of overcoming temptation.

            If we truly love our Guardian Angel, we cannot fail to have boundless confidence in his powerful intercession with God and firm faith in his willingness to help us. This will inspire us frequently to invoke the aid and protection especially in time of temptation and trial. It will prompt us also to ask his counsel in the many problems which confront us, in matters both great and small. Many of the saints made it a practice never to undertake anything without first seeking advice of their Guardian Angel.

            When in the state of grace, a soul is a thing of beauty for our dear angel to gaze upon and he rejoices as it becomes ever more and more radiant through the Blood of Jesus. Let us then never sadden our heavenly companion by sin, but should that misfortune happen to us, may we hasten to the fountain of the Precious Blood which will restore to us our former whiteness. 

            Thus, to sum up, the devil who shows himself so formidable to our human nature is really a coward when we face him bravely by the example of a good Christian life not forgetting that it is through God’s help and not by our own merit. Let us take courage therefore and while confiding in the protection of our heavenly companion, let us also thank God whose loving kindness thus provides for our eternal welfare. St. Ambrose says that from our time of conception in our mother’s womb till our glorification in heaven, our Guardian Angels have been appointed to look after us.

            As these blessed spirits are so closely united to us, devotion to them ought to be part of every Christian household. Parents should cultivate first, in themselves and in their children. Family joys would be sweeter if shared with those gracious angels and in turn they would repay the affection shown to them with untold spiritual and even temporal benefits. 

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