Be human Be holy - The relevance of Don Bosco's spirituality for today
BE HUMAN BE HOLY – THE RELEVANCE OF DON BOSCO’S SPIRITUALITY FOR TODAY Mario D’Couto Don Bosco told Dominic Savio that it is easy to be a saint. Unfortunately, Dominic Savio thought that he had to do a lot of hard penances in order to win God’s approval. So he would put hard stones under his bed or wear a hair shirt inside in order to make life tough and challenging for him. This went on for some time until Don Bosco came to know about it. On coming to know what Dominic Savio was doing, Don Bosco dissuaded him immediately saying that one does not have to do such things in order to please God. God does not want all those things but He certainly wants us to be loving and genuine. It is thus that for Don Bosco everybody is meant to be a saint as he would say, “God wants us to be saints and it is not difficult to be a saint.” ...